Saturday, September 19, 2009

Urban Country Fair

I just returned from a blissful day of sitting in the shade, chatting with artists and telling interested and interesting people about what I do, while selling artwork at the same time! I learned a whole lot about what I should sell, how I should present it, and how my original prices were way too low for what I was selling. But I had an absolutely amazing time, and I can't wait to do it again!
First everyone arrived and set up:

...including the music:
There was some cool stuff like balloon crafts:

This was my table, in its final setup mode, and before everything got sold:
Adam got me some takeout midway through, which was delicious and fried:

This is the table for Vagabond Jewelry - I've coveted their stuff for a long time, so it was great to meet Kest in person, although I'm afraid I was a bit of a fangirl about it...!
The parakeet was very popular; maybe he lives in Union Square?

There were some dance tutorials:
And I had a lot of sales! I also met some cool people in the process, like Andrea with whom I may possibly practice Japanese at some point - she grew up in Sendai!
And my littlest fan, who almost got lip gloss (or whatever that was) all over my stuff:

I also sold both my larger works, for much less than they were actually worth given the amount of time and headache that they required. I need to work on this.

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